How to avoid complications after TCA CROSS treatment such as pigmentation and widening scars? (photo)

Doctor's Answer


TCA Cross Complications can be minimised if you see an acne scar doctor who is meticulous and precise. I also encourage you to invest in effective post-treatment recovery skin care.

Meticulous technique by your acne scar doctor can help to minimise complications such as hyperpigmentation and widening of scars.

In my practice, I use magnifying loupes and use the syringe-dropper technique for TCA cross. This gives me good visualisation of your acne scars and precise delivery of the highly concentrated TCA cross.

Besides this, post-treatment recovery serums such as growth factor/cell recovery serums and sun protection are critical to ensure fast recovery and minimal complications.

Please have a detailed discussion with your acne scar doctor for more advice!

Hope this helps!

Warmest regards,

Dr Justin Boey

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