How to ensure that blood pressure measurements are correct for blood pressure measuring devices?

Doctor's Answer

Here are some general tips:

1. Palm facing up

2. Blood pressure (BP) measurement on both wrists should be the same in most people. However, you should try to always use the same arm when taking your BP

3. Have your doctor check your device's accuracy against the clinic model. Also have your doctor watch you use your device to see if you're doing it properly.

4. Measure your BP twice a day, preferably at the same time each day. The first measurement should be in the morning before taking any medications, and the second in the evening.

5. Each time you measure, take 2 readings to make sure your results are accurate.

6. Make sure your arm is positioned properly at the level of your heart. You can rest your elbow on a table or pillow.

7. Place the BP cuff on bare skin, not over clothing.

8. Avoid caffeine, tobacco and alcohol for 30 minutes before taking a BP measurement.

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