How to improve the appearance of a receded chin?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for your question. I had just attended an Ultherapy event yesterday and the speaker, Dr. Frank Lin highlighted the importance of chin aesthetics, which I must agree is often overlooked in the past. There are more patients coming forward to request for chin augmentation to balance their facial aesthetics and improve their jawlines.

There are numerous options to improve and augment a receded chin

1. Injectables - Fillers and Botox have been mentioned so I will just add some of my thoughts. Fillers such as hyaluronic acid fillers allow you to “try out” the look of a larger chin. I find that Radiesse is also a good option as it provides a longer lasting effect. Quite a few patients have since opted for a definitive chin implant once they are sure that a larger chin is what they desire. Something to add is that autologous fat grafts (using your own fat) can also be used to augment the chin. However, the look will be different from that of a chin implant as it’s softer and not as rigid.

2. Chin Implant - Chin implants enable the surgeon to change the shape and size of your chin which helps to improve the appearance of your jawline. The most commonly used material is silicone but other alloplastic materials such as Goretex and Medpor are also used. The procedure is usually done under local anaesthesia and takes about 30 minutes. It is often done in combination with other procedures such as Rhinoplasty or Facelift. Implants can increase the projection of the chin or the chin height (the distance from the lower lip to the bottom of the chin), but it is unable to reduce the vertical height of the chin (see genioplasty below). Chin implant augmentation is somewhat predictable in comparison to fat grafts. They can also be removed under local anaesthesia, and are thus reversible. One of the complications from chin implants is migration of the implant which is why I routinely secure the implant with the use of a small titanium screw. The other complication is infection which may require implant removal.

  1. Genioplasty - Genioplasty or chin surgery is done for patients who want to augment the shape and alter the height or size of the chin. During a genoplasty procedure the bone is moved and fixed in the new position with titanium plate and screws. A genoplasty can provide the appearance of increasing the vertical dimension of the lower face, as well as reducing the vertical height of the chin. Similarly the bone can be moved forward to increase projection. The advantage of this procedure over implants is the absence of foreign body which is more prone to infection. However, the recovery and swelling is longer in comparison to chin implant surgery.

I hope this answers your question. Have a great weekend ahead!


Dr. Terence Goh

Plastic Surgeon

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