How to prevent or slow down teeth shifting if I have never worn braces and do not have retainers?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Poon Kee Hwang
Dr Poon Kee Hwang

Dentist, Orthodontist

With time, our body changes and ages. Just like skin that looses elasticity and collagen, white hair that appear, bone that looses density, so do teeth shift. It’s a natural, slow physiological process.

There are steps we can take to keep this natural teeth shift in check.

1) have regular gum cleaning and rental check ups to keep gums in tip top condition. Gums are like the soil propping up trees. Poor gums result in poor support for your teeth and they are more likely to drift and shift.

2) get your teeth position checked by an Orthodontist. Certain malocclusion/ bad position of teeth and heavy, uneven biting forces are more likely to cause teeth to shift. Examples are scissors bite and protruding front teeth and an associated lip trap.

3) Retainers are like a snap-shot in time of your teeth position. There’s no harm in fabricating a pair of retainers to wear during sleep to keep teeth position in check.

Hope this information helps!


Dr POON Kee Hwang

Specialist Orthodontist

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