How will scoliosis of 30 degrees affect me as I grow older?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for your question - it's certainly interesting. Firstly, it sounds like you have been seeing someone regarding your back and have been given an angle for the spine deviation that has developed. It would be good to know what sort of treatment and management you have already discussed/tried.

Scoliosis is a common problem and there can be varying degrees but the Cobb Angle tell us how significant the curvature is.

There are many people who, despite a significant scoliosis, live happy and fulfilled lives, but if yours is starting to cause significant pain, limitation in function, difficulty with breathing and is impacting on your life, then it might be worthwhile consulting a spine surgeon with experience in scoliosis management. Certainly it would be worthwhile seeing someone with a tack record in managing complex cases.

If, however, your symptoms are minimal, it might be worth consulting an MSK/Sports physician or physiotherapist, who can advise you on maintaining flexibility, improving strength and therefore hopefully limit your symptoms.

Hope this helps.

Dr Dinesh

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