How will sea salt microbeads face scrubs affect my pores?

Doctor's Answer


In general facial scrubs tend to irritate the skin rather than improve the condition of the skin. It is actually a fallacy that there are impurities on the skin surface that requires a scrub to remove to achieve a clearer and better complexion including pore size reduction.

The top layer of the skin, the stratum corneum, actually has an important role in barrier function; preventing damaging irritants and harmful allergens from reaching the lower skin layers. Hence, damaging this layer using a facial scrub causes more skin irritation in the long-term with no significant benefits to the pore size.

For prominent pores, the better options for improvement include: topical retinoids, Rejuran Healer, and energy-based skin resurfacing procedures such as microneedle RF and fractional lasers.

Hope this helps!

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