Will eye surgery such as LASIK or Cataract Surgery cause ptosis?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Samuel Ho
Dr Samuel Ho

Plastic Surgeon

That’s a good question because a lot of my patients they will have either LASIK or Cataracts done or lens implant around the time of surgery, it does not affect, but the problem really is when they do eye surgery whether its LASIK or cataracts, they need to put a surgical retractor to open the eyeball big for them to do the surgery right, this retraction will worsen any ptosis you have or it may loosen any repair,

So I would tell them if they have ptosis repair done, for the first one month, you can't go for LASIK, because you run the risk of having the retractor loosen up the repair, but after that it is ok. Your own tissue has reached a state where it is strong enough, conversely, I have patients who ask me “What if I have Lasik, cataracts or lens surgery done, when can I come and get ptosis surgery?'' I would say that depends on the ophthalmologist, whoever has done your Lasik and he determines your vision is quite stable and you feel fine and you do not have too much eye dryness or anything and your vision is stable, then yes you can come anytime.

The closest I have done was for this lady who has had lens implantation done 3 days before she came for eyelid procedure but that is not recommended, I prefer we work with the eye surgeons who have done your procedures and get some clearance to make sure they are ok.

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