Will eye surgery such as LASIK or Cataract Surgery cause ptosis?

Doctor's Answer

It is an uncommon occurrence for patients to have ptosis after LASIK or Cataract Surgery although it can still happen. There are several possibilities.

The first is the eyedrops that are used during the surgery, but that should be short-lived and you should not have any long term sequelae.

The second is swelling from inflammation or infection after the surgery. This too should resolve with time.

Finally, devices used to open up the eyelid can cause injury to an already weakened levator mechanism (the mechanism that opens up the upper eyelid) and that can create or worsen a pre-existing ptosis.

You may notice a higher eyelid crease, not present before the surgery and drooping of the eyelid. This is caused by the loosening of the muscle that elevates the upper eyelid (levator). This is a common age-related occurrence (senile ptosis) but can also be caused by trauma or surgery. Do check in with your surgeon to ascertain the cause.

Whilst cataract and myopia can affect your vision, ptosis (droopy eyelids) is an under-diagnosed reason causing patients to have obstructed vision. Having corrected your vision, you may also then start to notice the pre-existing ptosis.

Prolonged contact lens wear can also lead to weakening of the levator mechanism and a ptotic eyelid. As you can see there are numerous reasons that can cause the ptosis. Nonetheless, the solution is still the same and ptosis repair can be done to reattach the levator to the tarsus restoring the eyelid opening mechanism.

Hope this helps and All the best on your journey!

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