Is it possible to get an STD from kissing?

Doctor's Answer

Infectious diseases can be spread through several routes of transmission. Oral transmission refers to the spreading of organisms through saliva or shared foods and drinks. When a person accidentally consumes contaminated items, such as saliva during kissing, the swallowing action of the tongue wipes the organisms against the back of the throat, allowing them to enter the body.

Only certain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are transmittable through kissing. Although kissing is considered to be low-risk when compared to intercourse and oral sex, it is possible for kissing to transmit herpes simplex virus (HSV) , cytomegalovirus (CMV) and syphilis.

Oral Herpes (HSV-1)

By far, herpes is the most common STI that can be contracted through kissing. It is essentially a viral infection that is transmitted from either skin-to-skin contact or due to an exposure of mucosal tissues to the infection. Also called oral herpes, HSV-1 can easily be spread through kissing. The most notable symptom is a small white or red blister in the mouth, which may ooze or bleed during an outbreak. Touching or kissing someone with an active cold sore can spread the viral infection to you. It is hard to prevent it from spreading as the virus can also be spread when no symptoms are present. Herpes can be quite painful to endure. Oftentimes, oral herpes can result in irritating blisters or cold sores on the lips and mouth.

HSV-1 can be spread by sharing saliva or items like utensils that have touched the mouth of those with the virus. HSV-2, also called genital herpes, is an HSV infection that is more commonly spread through sexual contact — oral, genital, or anal — with an infected sore than through kissing.

Cytomegalovirus (CMV)

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a viral infection that can be spread through kissing someone whose saliva is infected.

It is also spread through:

  1. urine,
  2. blood,
  3. semen
  4. and breast milk.

It is considered an STD because it is often spread through oral, anal, and genital sexual contact, too.

Symptoms of CMV include:

  1. fatigue,
  2. sore throat,
  3. fever
  4. and body aches.

Like herpes, CMV can cause symptoms if one has a compromised immune system.


Syphilis can be transmitted through skin-to-skin contact, particularly at times when sores are present. In order for syphilis to exchange from one person to another during kissing, there needs to be an open sore or cut inside the mouth. The same can be said for all other STIs where the requirement of blood or bodily fluids is mandatory. Otherwise, kissing is relatively safe.

"The kissing disease" (mononucleosis)

The most well known kissing disease is "mono" or mononucleosis, which is seen among adolescents. Mononucleosis is an infectious illness that’s usually caused by the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV). It is also called “the kissing disease.” One can get the virus through kissing as well as things like sharing drinks or silverware. Common symptoms include:

  1. fever,
  2. loss of appetite,
  3. sore throat,
  4. swollen lymph nodes,
  5. sore muscles.

Some people have no symptoms or ones that are mild. Most people who get mono feel better in about 2 to 4 weeks. Sometimes, fatigue can last several weeks after that.

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