Is it safe to remove multiple teeth at one go?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Kok Sen Ho
Dr Kok Sen Ho

Dentist, Oral Surgeon

It is not uncommon for patients to have multiple teeth removed at one time. Many patients opt for this as they neither have to undergo the procedure more than once nor make multiple dental visits. It helps to save time as well as additional medication or anaesthesia fees.

When removing multiple teeth, most patients opt to do it under intravenous sedation. When sedated, you will be asleep and unaware of the teeth being removed, thus allaying your fears and anxiety of surgeries.

Intravenous sedation is done with a medical anaesthetist in attendance during the entire procedure. Your heart rate, oxygen level and blood pressure will be monitored continuously to ensure your safety.

Nonetheless, some patients may still prefer to remove multiple teeth on seperate occasions for reasons such as these:

1) By removing teeth on one side first, the teeth on the other side can be used to chew food normally.

2) Not opting for intravenous sedation due to the fees, hence they find it less stressful to remove multiple teeth in stages.

You are recommended to share your concerns with your dentist/oral surgeon and he/she will advise what works best for your situation.

Best regards

Dr Ho Kok Sen

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