What factors affect life expectancy for someone who has had several transplants, such as removing the gall bladder and a liver transplant?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Wai Leong Quan
Dr Wai Leong Quan


life expectancy post liver transplant is related to many factors.

The most important factor is whether the problem which resulted in the transplant has been well under control or eradicated. This is especially true if the transplant was for underlying cancer or liver failure due to viral infection. Pre-exiting conditions not under control may result in graft failure while the preexisting disease may also affect one's life.

Assuming the transplant procedure went well without any complication such as inadequate arterial blood supply issue or bile duct narrowing post-transplant (both of which have a negative impact on the transplanted liver and overall survival), organ rejection is the other factor to look out for.

There is a fine balance between suppressing the host's response to minimise organ rejection versus weakening the host defense against external pathogens. Any upset of this balance will result in either organ rejection or severe infection; both of which can threaten one's life.

What determines longevity after surgery?

It is, in general, not the number of surgeries or types of surgery which one has undergone that determines one's longevity but rather how well each problem has been handled before, during and after the transplant surgery that counts.

May I suggest you speak with your transplant specialist to clarify what you need to watch out during your routine post transplant follow-up. I wish you good health.

  • Dr Quan

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