Should I be concerned with dry, peeling foreskin next to the glands of my penis?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for your interest in such a commonly encountered problem at the clinic. Quite a number of potential causes for dry skin on penis and penis skin peeling came to my mind.

1.) Dry, unlubricated sexual acts, including masturbation or intercourse, can cause enough friction to irritate the skin of the penis. Irritation of the skin of the penis can culminate in itching, flaking, and peeling of the skin. Opt for a water-based lubricant if you have sensitive skin.

2.) Wearing overly tight pants or pants without underwear can also cause irritation from friction. Friction can cause the skin to become flaky and irritated. Tight clothes and underwear can cause chafing and rubbing around the genital area, resulting in dryness. In uncircumcised men, tight underwear can lead to moisture buildup and fungus under the foreskin, resulting in dryness and infection. So, opt for supportive cotton underwear, and looser clothing in general.

3.) Harsh soaps or cleansers often have a drying effect on the penis. A good way out is to use warm water to wash the penis. If one wishes to use a cleanser, switch to mild soaps, baby shampoo, or other products for sensitive skin. Rinse thoroughly after washing to remove any traces of product.

4.) Balanitis is inflammation and swelling of the glans or foreskin. It is most common in uncircumcised men and men with poor personal hygiene habits. Diabetes is the most common medical cause. Balanitis can cause itching, irritation, and pain in the groin and genitals. The skin can become irritated enough to flake and peel. It is not contagious.

5.) Dryness accompanied by sneezing, wheezing, a runny nose, and/or watery eyes is often due to an allergic reaction to personal deodorants, or latex condoms and spermicide. A red, itchy rash and swollen penis also accompany a latex allergy.

6.) Genital psoriasis. This autoimmune, inflammatory condition occurs in the genital area. It is not contagious and can first occur at any age, even in babies. It can cause small, shiny, red patches on the glans or shaft of the penis. These patches may also appear in the pubic area or anus, and within the skin folds between the groin and thighs. Unlike psoriasis patches on other parts of the body, genital psoriasis tends not to be scaly. It can, however, give the appearance of peeling, raw skin. Low-strength topical corticosteroids are usually prescribed for genital psoriasis treatment.

7.) Eczema is a noncontagious skin condition. It causes intense itching, a dry, scaly rash, and inflammation. It may also cause fluid-filled blisters to form. These blisters may ooze and scab, causing the appearance of peeling skin. Eczema can appear anywhere on the penis. It may be made worse by irritants or allergens found in products such as harsh soaps, detergents, lotions, or fabrics. Low-strength topical corticosteroids, applied with careful instructions, are generally advised. This is because regular-strength corticosteroids may cause further irritation, as the penis skin is thinner and more sensitive.

8.) Thrush (yeast infection) can cause an itchy, flaking, red rash on the glans. It can also cause these symptoms to occur under the foreskin in uncircumcised men. Men, particularly uncircumcised men, or those with poor genital hygiene are particularly prone to a penile yeast infection. Other symptoms include white patches and peeling skin, a thick, uneven discharge under the foreskin, swelling or irritation around the penis’ head, and painful sex and urination. Do abstain from sex until the infection clears up, as yeast infections are contagious.

9.) Sexually transmitted infections (STI) can cause a variety of symptoms which might cause or mimic penis skin peeling. These include blisters, ulcers, and rashes. It is important to see a doctor if you have had unprotected sex and are experiencing peeling skin on the penis. Herpes is an STI that can cause itching and tingling, followed by the appearance of fluid-filled blisters and skin ulcers. These can be painful and may appear anywhere on the penis and scrotum. When the blisters burst and ooze, they can give the appearance of skin peeling. In the early stages of syphilis, another STI, a tiny sore called a chancre may appear at the spot where infection entered the body. Chancres are painless, but they can cause the appearance of peeling skin. Later on, when untreated syphilis enters its secondary stage, a rash may occur everywhere on the body. The shaft of the penis may also exhibit wart-like growths.

Do seek a medical opinion if peeling penis skin persists longer than a few days and if the condition is accompanied by other symptoms, including burning during urination, discharge from the glans, pain, any other worrisome symptom.

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