What are the possible reasons why people with similar lifestyles can experience different incidence rates of acne between each individual?

Doctor's Answer

The key possible reasons to why people with similar lifestyle have different acne incidence rates include:

  1. Genetic predisposition. Acne can run in the family through genetic mutations which would, in turn, cause acne to develop.
  2. Use or lack of use of acne prevention strategies e.g. topical retinoids. Not having proper hygiene would cause oil-clogged pores and in turn, cause acne to develop on the face.
  3. Diet. A high glycaemic index diet promotes acne. So does excessive intake of dairy products.
  4. Use of comedogenic make-up. Comedogenic makeup would cause clogged pores, whiteheads and blackheads to form, causing an acne-prone skin to be more susceptible to breakouts

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