What were your initial thoughts when faced with the task of volunteering at the COVID-19 quarantine zones? Things like your families getting worried?

Doctor's Answer

I think I share the sentiments of everyone. We all want to help, and when given the opportunity, we were ready to go, we have so many volunteers who have signed up under Q&M that every day when there’s a task we have more than enough for the numbers required. But at the end of the day when you finish and you go back, just before you step into your home, there’s always this thing at the back of your mind. You know, you want to be safe, the people have to be safe -- your loved ones have to be safe, so I think that’s very important. So to me, it’s a fine balance. You want to help, and the good thing is that the company has provided very good protection, we are very well-equipped when we go in, so at the end of the day, we have no qualms about doing this day in, day out. And we’ve been at this for three weeks non-stop because I think we know we can help and when we come back we can still mingle with our loved ones with peace of mind.

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