How does surgical hernia repair with mesh compare with surgery without mesh?

Doctor's Answer

A hernia refers to a condition when an internal organ protrudes through the wall of muscles or tissues that normally contains it. If left untreated, it could cause an infection and also loss of blood.

For these cases, surgery might be necessary. Depending on your condition the surgery might or might not involve a mesh. Mesh can be made from either synthetic material or animal tissue. The mesh acts a reinforcement to the tissue walls.

In general, hernia repair with a mesh has found to be more lasting, i.e., lower risk of recurrence of the hernia. However, in some situations, it may not be safe to place a mesh. For instance, if the surgical field is potentially contaminated, it may be wise to avoid a mesh as once the mesh is infected, the only solution is to remove the mesh.

It highly depends on your condition so do consult your surgeon.

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