How can I get rid of persistent whiteheads on my forehead? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

From the photo, you may have closed comedones (whiteheads). A close physical examination by your doctor will be needed to distinguish the two.

If you indeed have whiteheads, treatment options include topical retinoids (e.g. tretinoin, adapalene), chemical peeling and low dose isotretinoin. Your doctor will be the best person to discuss the various pros and cons of the above treatment options based on your expectations, efficacy, potential side effects, cost and secondary benefits.

If the final assessment is that of milia, treatment options include light electrocautery or nicking the skin to manually express the milia seeds under topical anaesthesia.

Upon initial successful treatment, the regular use of topical retinoids at night and periodic superficial chemical peeling may help prevent relapses.

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