What advantage does the Fotona laser offer as compared to other lasers?

Doctor's Answer

Over the course of more than a decade in clinical practice, I have used and come across many lasers. Some have withstood the test of time and stayed relevant. Some disappeared almost as soon as they were launched, not that I care to mention.

There is no perfect laser and neither are there perfect doctors. There are only suitable lasers for individual patients and a rewarding doctor-patient relationship.

In my clinic, I am fortunate to have access to a vast array of medical lasers. In our local diverse population, I increasingly find myself spending time with the Fotona™ Laser platform. When I say platform, it is not just one laser, it actually has two mighty useful wavelengths that are suitable for the Asian skin type. Namely the Long Pulse Nd-Yag and the Erbium Yag wavelengths. Over and above that, the laser scientists at Fotona™ have managed to allow the doctor to customize more than ever before the way the laser is delivered to the patient.

There are a few treatment protocols that occupy most of my day at the clinic now to treat common problems like antiaging, pigmentation, open pores, sagging skin resulting in nasolabial lines and jowls. The FOTONA 4D™ four-step laser protocol combines an innovation SMOOTH™ mode that tightens the face from inside followed by a FRAC3™ high intensity setting that repairs damaged collagen. Next, it stimulates new collagen production before moving on to the ‘main course’ of the treatment which is Laser Face Lifting achieved elegantly by the PIANO™ setting that allows contraction and tightening of collagen fibres. This is done by raising the skin temperature safely and comfortably to an optimal temperature of 42 degrees Celsius before evening skin texture, fines lines and wrinkles with a GENTLE Yag peel. There is no downtime and the procedure is comfortable.

For patients with very mild eyebags and eyelid issues such as fines lines and laxity, SMOOTH EYE™ by Fotona is a protocol that allows rejuvenation without surgery. SMOOTH™ mode allows penetration of energy safely and comfortably to tighten up loose tissue and shrink up fat pads in the under-eye whilst on the skin, stimulate firming and tightening of the eyelids. Again, the procedure is comfortable with minimal downtime.

Patients should consult with their doctor to discuss their requirements and options available to them before making an informed decision.

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