What are effective methods to reduce pore size? Are lasers able to minimise pores permanently?

Doctor's Answer

Dr YZ made some excellent points regarding laser treatment, and reducing pore size. As he mentioned, Venus Viva RF treatment is an effective treatment for large pores.

“How do I reduce my pore size” is a very common question.

There are a couple of useful tricks to reduce pore size, depending on how big your pores are.

Pore size is partially determined by genetics – some people are just unlucky, and born with larger pores.

Others who have oily skin or acne also tend to have larger pores. If you have a bad habit of popping your zits, there’s a high likelihood that you will have permanently enlarged pores.

Lastly, aging skin loses its elasticity, which can cause pores to appear larger. So avoid sun exposure and smoking, both of which will age your skin.

1. For mildly enlarged pores

You can try topical treatments, such as a retinoid cream at night, and AHA Peels.

Face washes which contain salicylic acid, or other Beta Hydroxy Acid washes may help as well. You can find this at most pharmacies in Singapore.

2. For big and prominent pores/deep pores

Radiofrequency (RF) microneedling treatments, such as the Venus Viva and INFINI RF microneedling treatment are effective.

Chemical peels, such as TCA CROSS, can also be very helpful for such pores, especially deep ones.

What is the best treatment for big pores?

As everyone is unique, the best treatment should be determined after assessment by your doctor. This will depend on your pore size and current skin condition.

How much downtime you can tolerate also helps the doctor decide which treatment is best suited for you.


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