What are my treatment options to remove keratin bumps on my face?

Doctor's Answer

By keratin bumps, i assume you are referring to Milia seeds?

There are many types of skin bumps that can form on the face (and off), and treatment is largely similar - they can be removed with an ablative laser and the contents within (if any) removed physically.

After removing them, it is important to maintain on a good skin regimen that includes the use of Alpha or beta-hydroxy acid-based toners and adapalene or retin creams; this reduces the recurrence of these bumps and helps rejuvenate the skin.

Some go to spas to have them burnt off, but many of them use heated tips that typically cause burns and resultant post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation that can take months to subside. This can happen with lasers too, of course, but in the right hands, lasers are much safer and more accurate.

Do feel free to get a proper consult and physical examination to confirm the nature of these bumps so a proper plan can be made for their removal.

Best Regards,
Dr Shane Tan

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