What are possible treatments to enlarge a small penis?

Doctor's Answer

The most sensitive and erogenous region of a woman's vagina is within the first 1-2 cm from the introitus or opening of the vagina.

The average size of the penis also varies between age, race and ethnicity. Having said that, no man would refuse a larger organ.

If the aim to enlarge the penis is for adequate penetration to deposit semen for conception, a penis of 2.5 inch would suffice. If the aim is to hit the erogenous spot in the woman's genital tract, a penis of 2.5 inch would suffice.

The penis is made up of a pair of corporal bodies that extend deep into the man's pelvis. These paired muscles are filled with blood and increase in girth and length during erection. The glans or the "head" of the penis continues between the corporal bodies and forms the spongy tissue within which lies the urethra - or the urinary tract which allows semen and urine to flow out of the man's system.

Some men have a perceived smaller penis due to a buried penis. This is seen in obese man due to the increased fat pad at the base of the penis. Losing weight or surgical removal of the fat pad would expose more length of the penis.

Some surgical techniques that help to increase the apparent length of the penis is to disconnect the suspensory ligaments which are anchored at the base of the penis to the man's pelvis so that the penis will point straight or upwards towards the head during an erection.

By disconnecting these ligaments, more of the penis would be released and the penis will look longer. However, this is at the expense of the penis pointing downwards during erection.

Vacuum erection devices can be used to prevent further shortening of the penis and maintain its length. Do see a urologist for further evaluation and to discuss what is the most suitable treatment for you.

In the meantime, like all muscles in the body, disuse will lead to atrophy. Hence if you don't use it, you will lose it.

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