What are skin whitening injections, and are they safe?

Doctor's Answer


The most “popular” skin whitening injection is probably intravenous glutathione. Intravenous gluthatione either alone or with other vitamins e.g vitamin C is being administered in some neighbouring countries for general lightening of the overall skin tone by inhibiting the formation of melanin, the pigment that gives our skin its colour.

Glutathione is an antioxidant that is naturally synthesized in the body. It is involved with numerous biochemical pathways and may have some role in different diseases, but there is a lack of robust evidence linking supplementation to changes in health outcomes.

Conversations with overseas colleagues who perform this treatment suggest that the lightening results are variable and not permanent.

Given the unclear benefits and lack of scientific evidence supporting its use, this treatment is not approved for use for any indication in Singapore by the Ministry of Health.

As to its safety, little is known or reported in the literature although in my opinion, the fact that the origins are uncertain and other components are not clarified raises major safety concerns regarding its use at the present moment.

Hope this helps!

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