What are the best methods to treat constipation without relying on laxatives?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Jason Lim
Dr Jason Lim

Colorectal Surgeon

At 16, it is likely that the cause of your constipation could be due to recent dietary changes and / or lifestyle changes.

The speed that your stools pass through your intestines and out through your anus depends on:

1. The food you eat

- too much or too little dietary fibre can result in constipation either by causing large and hard bulky stools, or small pellet stools which are both hard to pass out.

2. Your hydration status

- recent reduction in fluid intake, or increase in fluid losses e.g. new exercise regime, can result in hard stools which contribute to your constipation.

3. Speed of your intestinal contractions and anal relaxation

- these are affected by certain medications, as well as your emotional state e.g. periods of stress / anxiety / feeling down.

Constipation can always been treated without relying on laxatives if the correct cause of the problem can be identified and corrected. You didn't need laxatives one month ago, so if you can change the inciting cause of your constipation, I am sure you can get off your constipation.

If you have tried and there is still no improvement, then this warrants a more in depth consultation and possible investigations to identify and treat the cause of your symptoms. Take care.

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