What are the best surgical and non-surgical methods to obtain bigger and more symmetrical eyes? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

I do see very slight asymmetry in the picture and a combination of medial and lateral canthoplasty can help to improve the overall proportion and size of both eyes. However, the slight difference in the height of both eyes is due to your orbital structure and I would not recommend surgery for that.

Your eyes are naturally rounder in shape and for your case, to make both eyes more symmetrical and bigger, you may consider:

• Medial Canthoplasty - You have a slightly wider set of eyes and medial canthoplasty can help to draw the distance from both inner corner of the eyes closer to each other.

• Lateral Canthoplasty – For both eyes, I would extend them laterally outwards and on top of that, bring your right lateral cantus (the lower, outer corner of the eye) a little lower so it looks more symmetrical when compared to the left.

The combination of these two procedures will make your eyes look bigger and more elongated. When both procedures are done together, the surgeon should take into account the proportion of the width of your eyes and the horizontal proportions of the face when divided in fifths.

We humans are inherently asymmetrical and while the suggestions can help to improve symmetry of both eyes, it is difficult to make them identical to each other.

I hope my reply helps.

Warmest regards,

Dr Por Yong Chen

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