What causes toe joint swelling?

Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your question and I would certainly agree that

1. Gout is a reasonable possibility

2. An X-ray is a basic investigation and relatively low in cost

In the sports clinic, we have seen gout in a number of joints other than the toe, which is the typical text-book presentation. Usually, it affects a single joint and is hot, red and swollen. It responds well to medication and dietary changes.

As Dr Sean mentions, there can be other causes for the symptoms and certainly in older patients, OA cannot be ruled out. In some situations, we have helped patients with guided injections of the toe joint and sometimes have removed joint fluid for analysis in case of infection and other causes.

Your options are manifold and you can see an MSK/Sports Physician, a physiotherapist, a GP, a Rheumatologist or an Orthopaedic surgeon. All can assess you and direct you to further treatment. In your dad's case, starting with anti-inflammatories is not unreasonable, but then this is not a definitive solution.

I hope this helps.


Dr Dinesh

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