What causes toe joint swelling?

Doctor's Answer

From the provided description, it sounds like gout, although there are of course other causes of toe joint swelling. This includes arthritis, infection, or an injury.

Here are some quick facts about gout:

  • Gout is caused by uric acid crystals built up in the joints, and most commonly affects the big toe, causing swelling and pain
  • A diet rich in alcohol and meat can increase the risks of gout
  • Treatment involves medication to reduce pain and swelling, and to reduce the uric acid levels

The symptoms of gout tend to be progressive and will worsen over time if left untreated.

In Singapore, rheumatologists and GPs treat and manage gout cases regularly.

The best way to get your dad to seek help is probably to have a doctor he trusts (such as your family doctor) take time to explain more about the disease, and to reassure him about his concerns.

For example, the doctor can explain to your dad that gout is very common, and easily treatable. There are also minimal radiation risks from a foot X-Ray.

It's also helpful if you read more about the disease yourself, so that you can explain it to him, because he is likely to trust your advice.

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