What could cause numbness and a shooting pain at my hip?

Doctor's Answer


Numbness associated with shooting pain are some characteristics of neuropathic pain. When the discomfort is isolated, it indicates a higher likelihood of a localised cause.

Likely causes include

1. Meralgia parasthetica, or also known as pain symptoms arising an irritated lateral femoral cutaneous nerve.

2. Another nerve which may cause pain symptoms in this area is the femoral branch of the genitofemoral nerve.

A more complete assessment is warranted to rule out other causes, for example, from spinal pathology such as a slipped disc.

Treatment is generally divided into

1. Medication. Apart from Panadol (which most likely is not helping), you may ask your healthcare practitioner regarding anti-neuropathics.

2. Physical therapy. Activity in the affected limb is always beneficial to reduce pain-avoidance behavior, mobilise the affected area and improve overall sense of well-being

3. Intervention. Ultrasound guided injections directed at the affected area would help. Medication may range from saline (salt water) to dilate the area surrounding the nerve to local anesthetic and steroids. You may wish to discuss this further with your healthcare practitioner.

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