What is the best treatment for allergic rhinitis, and how much does allergic rhinitis treatment cost in Singapore?

Doctor's Answer

Dr Paul Ang has provided a good summary of the treatment options for Allergic Rhinitis and I agree with him that the treatment options depend on which symptoms affect you the most, your willingness to use nasal steroid sprays on a long term basis or if you are aiming for a potential cure (which may take 3-5 years of immunotherapy if you have a known inhalant allergy).

As the treatment cost varies greatly depending on the treatment options chosen and whether it is done in a public vs private clinic/hospital, I would only be able to provide a "rough range" of cost of treatment (in private clinics) as follows:

  • Nasal steroid sprays - Approximately SGD40- SGD60 per bottle. Each bottle may last 2weeks-2month depending on dosage/day
  • Immunotherapy - Approximately SGD100- SGD150/month. Need to use for at least 3 years.
  • Surgery - Depending on the type of surgery performed (Inferior turbinate reduction surgery with or without septoplasty) the total cost could be anywhere between SGD800 (for pure office-based turbinate reduction procedure to SGD10000 (for a combination of turbinoplasty and septoplasty under general anaesthesia in a private hospital)

I would suggest consulting a GP (if you wish to use nasal steroid sprays for a start) or an ENT Specialist (if you wish to consider Immunotherapy or surgical options for blocked nose). For more information on Rhinitis, do refer to my article on Rhinitis (which was published in Human). Hope this helps and all the best!

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