What is the best treatment for clogged pores in Singapore, and how much does it cost? Are beauty salons allowed to perform laser treatments?

Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your question. I’ll answer the 2nd part of your question first. You may call me biased, but personally I would NEVER trust a beauty salon to do any laser procedures.

This is because MOH has clear guidelines which prevent them from using laser settings which are effective, which means if they do have lasers, they are either underpowered or using a higher setting illegally – which would also mean they are completely unfamiliar at dealing with potential side effects. That’s not even mentioning some beauty salons that use counterfeit machines.

So yes, please go to a doctor.

To answer your clogged pore question: First of all, the simplest thing to do would be to use a topical retinoid cream at night, which would encourage skin cell turnover. Retinoids get into the pores and unclog them. The strength of a retinoid should be individualized for your skin type, tolerance and skin sensitivity. Benzoyl Peroxide (another cream) also unclogs blocked pores.

If trying these 2 topical creams don’t work well for you, you may want to discuss with your doctor microdermabrasion, rather than lasers for clogged pores. Your doctor may advise you differently though, based on his assessment of your skin!

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