What is the best treatment for hair thinning?

Doctor's Answer

Hair thinning is a sign of Alopecia (medical term for hair loss condition), which has many causes, of which the most common form is Male Pattern Hair Loss (for males) and Female Pattern Hair Loss ( for females).

To answer your question, it’s important to know what we are dealing with.

I would assume you are a lady, and thus the most common causes of hair loss in women are as follows (not ranked in order of severity or prevalence) :

  1. Female Pattern Hair Loss (most common, follows pattern as denoted on Ludwig’s classification )
  2. Tinea Capitis (fungal)
  3. Autoimmune related ( SLE, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Thyroid )
  4. Nutritional Deficiencies (Iron, Zinc, Copper, amino acids)
  5. Telogen Effluvium (Shock Loss due to a stressful physical or psychological event )
  6. Traction Alopecia (due to excessive pulling either due to psychological conditions or just excessive force when tying hair)

Growell scalp lotion is Minoxidil, an FDA-approved topical spray for alopecia (hair loss). Having said that, by using Growell ITSELF, I find it’s ability is mainly to prevent further hair thinning and hair loss, and not for further hair thickening (UNLESS IT IS COMBINED WITH OTHER TREATMENTS).

As for hair supplements, to provide an analogy, hair supplements are just like providing fertiliser to the soil – the soil still needs a strong good seed (strong hair follicle bulbs ) and good care by the farmer (patient care) to grow the crops.

The best treatment is to visit a doctor specially interested and focused on managing hair loss conditions for a detailed consultation and blood tests to diagnose and treat the correct cause with the right options.

There are many other options like growth factor scalp stimulation, low level laser therapy, hair transplant (via manual follicular unit extraction FUE or ARTAS Robotic Hair Transplant) but these require a consult with the right doctor to decide what’s appropriate.

You can read this article for more information about hair loss treatment in Singapore.

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