What is the cause of discomfort on both sides of my rib cage, and who can I see in Singapore?

Doctor's Answer

Thanks for your question.

There’s not enough context in your question in this instance – we will need to know your age, length of rib pain, any history of trauma or accidents, occupation, etc.

If you do not have any nerve involvement (funny sensations like weird tingling sensations), it’s less likely to be related to your previous slipped disk. Your acid reflux is also not likely to be related to this rib cage pain.

If you are a young fit guy, it’s likely that your rib pain is musculoskeletal in nature, meaning a muscle injury you could have picked up due to bad posture or some type of strenuous exercise. If so, it will resolve on it’s own with rest and time.

I’d suggest you see a GP first to screen out most conditions. He will take a thorough history and do a proper neurological and physical exam to make sure it’s not linked to any of your previous issues. From there, if necessary he can refer you on to see a physiotherapist or sport medicine doctor if your issue is indeed postural or muscle related.

Hope that helps!

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