What is the cost of corticosteroid injection for cystic acne in Singapore? Is it effective?

Doctor's Answer

Corticosteroid injections for cystic acne in Singapore costs about $50 – $200.

Cystic acne happens when the infection that causes acne goes deep into your skin, creating a large, inflamed, tender pimple that’s full of pus. These deep lesions are more likely to scar.

Steroid injections work by reducing the inflammatory reaction, and can potentially reduce the amount of damage/scarring caused by a large cystic acne.

Corticosteroid injections take about 4 – 8 hours to start shrinking the cystic acne. Pain will improve too. You’ll usually see the acne become flattened and less red within 24 hours.

Would you recommend a corticosteroid injection for cystic acne?

Let your doctor advise you on whether your cystic acne is appropriate to be injected, as there’s a small risk of skin depression/skin atrophy post injection, which usually resolves with time.

Will the acne return after the injection?

Yes, a corticosteroid injection treats only the pimple, but does not prevent acne from recurring at the same spot, or in other spots.


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