What is the difference between an aesthetic doctor and a dermatologist? How do I decide which is more suitable for my needs?

Doctor's Answer

A dermatologist is a specialist trained in managing disease in the skin.

An aesthetic doctor is usually a general practitioner with a specific interest in aesthetic medicine, even though there are some specialists from other medical fields that also choose to focus on only doing aesthetic medicine (commonly general surgeons and gynaecologists).

Aesthetic medicine is not recognized as a formal medical specialty yet in most parts of the world, because it is very new, and many healthcare systems in the world do not provide formal training in aesthetic medicine. There is no formal global certification or standard for aesthetic medicine worldwide, and most courses are conducted by commercial companies or smaller independent organisations.

Singapore's aesthetic doctors are very active in the international community of aesthetic medicine. They also perform the bulk of aesthetic cases locally. Local and international aesthetic conferences are usually a vibrant mix of plastic surgeons, dermatologists as well as aesthetic doctors. In fact, I'm writing this having just returned from 3 days of sharing about facial injectables to a group of dermatologists, plastic surgeons as well as aesthetic doctors in the international arena. And I will be attending a course by a gynecologist who is also an aesthetic practictioner next.

Dermatologists are the experts on skin diseases, which is also the bulk of their medical training and work. I frequently refer complex cases of skin diseases to my dermatologist colleagues, and it is the job of an aesthetic GP to manage the more simple and common skin conditions (uncomplicated eczema/acne etc) and only send warranted referrals to skin specialists! You can also read this comprehensive guide on seeing a skin specialist in Singapore here.

If you think you have a serious skin condition - please visit a dermatologist! If it is an aesthetic concern, both should be able to help you. Aesthetic medicine employs the use of many medical devices and injectable treatments. Hope this was useful.

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