What is the difference between Emsculpt and Coolsculpt fat freezing for removing fat?

Doctor's Answer

Hi, Coolsculpting is the original fat-freezing technology from the USA, which is essentially freezing fat cells at negative temperatures to create fat cell death. The surrounding nerves, blood vessels, and organs are not affected at all. Around 20% of the treated fat will be removed over the next 3 months after treatment.

Emsculpt is using High-Intensity Focused ElectroMagnetic energy (HIFEM) to burn fat by building stronger muscles. It causes the abdominal muscles to contract with a force that is so strong that couldn’t be achieved by yourself doing sit-ups.

Therefore it sort of cheats your muscles via HIFEM technology to create the effect of more than 20,000 contractions in 30 minutes. For this treatment, there is a fat burning effect on top of the muscle building effect at the same time. It is only approved for the abdomen and buttocks currently.

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