What is the possibility that cancer will recur even after a colorectal surgery?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Jipson Quah
Dr Jipson Quah

General Practitioner

Recurrence of a cancer is dependent on many factors and we are able to
glean many details on these in the histopathology and radiology reports.
Picture a cancer as an invading army in a foreign land, what are some of
the strategies one must adopt to fight these unwelcome invaders? You would

  1. Is the size of the cancer large in comparison?
  2. Do the cancer cells appear to multiply quickly?
  3. Are cancer cells spreading via hematological (blood) or lymphatic system?
  4. Do the cancer cells look anaplastic (bizarre and aggressive), causing a lot of cellular damage and disruption
  5. Are there any other sites involving the cancer?
  6. Are the cancer cells able to evolve and develop new defense mechanisms against treatment?
  7. Are there genetic causes or associations leading to the cancer?

If all the answers to the above questions are "no", and the cancer is being
targeted with all recommended modalities (i.e, surgery, chemotherapy,
radiotherapy, immunotherapy), then the chance of recovery is high and risk
of recurrence is low. These are some things that clinicians and patients
must evaluate and consider.

Based on your questions, I can only imagine that you are facing a lot of
difficult decisions. I hope I am able to answer your questions and worries
to some extent.

Best regards
Dr Quah

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