What treatments are there for gynecomastia?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Andrew Tay
Dr Andrew Tay

Plastic Surgeon

Gynecomastia, or enlarged breasts in men, is a fairly common condition usually caused by an imbalance of hormones. Although there are many possible causes for gynecomastia (e.g. certain types of medication, obesity, some medical conditions, excess alcohol consumption), in many cases no specific cause can be identified.

In adolescents/teenagers with gynecomastia, treatment should consist of observation and regular reviews, as this condition often resolves after several years. Surgical treatment can
be considered if the gynecomastia has not resolved by the early to mid-twenties.

When gynecomastia is persistent, or significant enough to trouble you, surgical treatment should be considered and can be done either by excision or by liposuction.

Surgical excision is preferred if the enlargement is due to hard, glandular tissue that cannot be otherwise removed by liposuction. The incision is usually placed at the edge of the areola.

If the enlargement is predominantly due to soft, fatty tissue, a reduction can be done by liposuction or Vaser liposelection. Small incisions are placed inconspicuously near the armpits or at the side of the chest.

Gynecomastia reduction is usually done under general anaesthesia and takes 1.5 to 2 hours. No hospital stay is required. Recovery time is 1-2 weeks. Following the procedure, the patient is required to wear a pressure garment (a tight-fitting shirt to help control swelling and maintain the contour of the chest) for approximately one month.

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