When is collagen cross linking for LASIK required, as opposed to optional?

Doctor's Answer

Thanks so much for your question! This is a really interesting question as it addresses a relatively recent adjunct procedure that is performed for patients during or after refractive surgery, namely collagen cross-linking.

Collagen cross-linking was originally used for purposes of treating patients with progressive thinning conditions of the cornea, and its use was expanded to include patients undergoing refractive surgery for cornea thinning and ectasia, and / or myopia regression.

I think the most important thing to note is that collagen cross-linking is considered an optional, “best practice” sort of recommendation. Randomized controlled trials to demonstrate its cost-efficacy have not been performed.

It is clearly not indicated for all patients, and some eye surgeons do not perform corneal collagen cross-linking at all.

In our practice, we offer collagen cross-linking as an adjunct procedure for:

  1. People who may be at higher risk of post-surgery ectasia
  2. Cornea thinning
  3. Progressive astigmatism
  4. Myopia regression etc.

This should be discussed in conjunction with your Ophthalmologist.

Collagen cross-linking is certainly not a benign procedure, and is not offered to all patients. Theoretical risks of performing collagen cross-linking include:

  1. Post-operative haze
  2. Prolonged inflammation
  3. Delayed healing
  4. Some unpredictability in post-operative refraction outcomes, including induced astigmatism

Hence, this procedure is not recommended for all patients.

Overall, the risk of treatment is low, and has potential benefits for you. On the other hand, your Ophthalmologist may propose an alternative for you as well, including close observation and early cross-linking after surgery if you demonstrate a need for it.

I hope this is helpful, and in view of your circumstances that you described, it is best to discuss your findings with an Ophthalmologist that you trust, and together you can decide on a treatment plan that is safe, efficacious and ideal for your needs.

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