Where are the scars for breast implants?

Doctor's Answer

The possible scar locations are :

Inframammary - i.e. in the fold beneath the breast.

The commonest incision used in Singapore. If properly planned and executed, the scar should be very inconspicuous as it is right in the crease. Incision length usually varies with size of implant ( larger = longer incision), implant type ( textured, shaped implants = longer) and surgeon's prerogative (some like longer incisions, some like really tiny incisions).

Axillary - in the armpit. Can be quite discreet as its often placed at the highest point of the hollow in the armpit. The main disadvantage it is more technically challenging to insert shaped (tear drop) implants and remove implants especially if a capsulectomy is required ( and it is often required).

Periareolar - just outside the pigmented areolar skin. If placed properly scar can be quite unnoticeable. Not the first choice placement for most surgeons due to concerns about contamination from bacteria around the breast ducts in and around the nipple.

Transumbilical - incision is at the navel. This is mentioned more for curiosity value cos nobody I am aware of does this here.

Most scars fade and are not very noticeable with time. As a rule, Asian skin types take a little longer for the pigmentation to settle and have higher tendency to bad scarring. Thankfully there are many tools at our disposal now to help achieve a better scar outcome and the scars are generally not noticeable.

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