Where can I get counselling and help for my mental state problems if I am unemployed?

Doctor's Answer

It looks like you have irritability and some problems with temper control. There are several conditions that are associated with irritability and temper control.

The first is that of anxiety disorder. Many people who are anxious and worried oftentimes have tension over their body, poor sleep and irritability.

The second is that of an underlying depressive disorder. Again, for many men who are depressed, they may not report having low mood but they have irritability which will interfere with their work life and ability to maintain a close relationship with anyone.

The third is that of intermittent explosive disorder, typically of someone who has sudden outbursts of anger and then the anger will subside quickly and the person becomes normal again.

Your condition could have evolved the years and it become easier to diagnose over time. My suggestion is for you to get a consultation with a psychiatrist who can then re-evaluate your problems and life situation with you.

Wish you a speedy recovery.

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