Which is the best laser for post-inflammatory erythema and redness?

Doctor's Answer

Thank you for your question. Post-inflammatory erythema (PIE) due to acne is very common and troubling for many patients.

To treat PIE, we need lasers that emit wavelengths to target Haemoglobin specifically.

This family of lasers are called Vascular Lasers.

Examples of Vascular lasers that are commonly used in Singapore to treat PIE include:

1. Pulsed dye lasers (VBeam, 595nm wavelength)


2. Gold-toning Q-switched Nd:YAG lasers (Lutronic Spectra XT, 595nm)


3. Copper Bromide laser (Pro Yellow, 577nm)

Apart from Vascular lasers, Fractional microneedling Radiofrequency (eg Infini/Intracel) is also shown to work for PIE by its anti-inflammatory and anti-angiogenetic properties.


As you can see, there are many different Vascular Lasers available in Singapore. All of them are safe and effective when used appropriately.

I personally use the "Gold toning" Q-switch Nd:YAG lasers for PIE. It is effective with minimal side-effects. Several sessions are encouraged for good results.

Hope that this helps!

Best regards,

Dr Justin Boey

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