Why are multiple subcision sessions required for acne scars?

Doctor's Answer

The number of subcision sessions really depends on the severity of your scars.

The following is what I explain to my patient, and ultimately its the patients' choice on the treatment option.

Subcision involves the breaking of the adhesions that are tethering to the acne scars, and generally a small amount of fillers is placed in order to:

1) Stimulate collagen (through the use of Radiesse, which is my favourite)

2) Reduce the re-adhesion risk immediately post procedure

For patients with localised rolling scars, 1 session is enough.

For patients with a lot of scars, generalised, or want to do some sort of rejuvenation, a few sessions will be needed.

And I can bet my last dollar that no one can promise that he can break ALL the scars in just one session for a patient with severe acne scarring. We try to break MOST, and then get the patient back again at the next session for the more stubborn areas. Hope this helps!


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