Why do I get recurrent sores inside my nose?

Doctor's Answer

Most sores and cuts are due to seemingly innocuous rubbing and picking of the nose, especially when we have nasal allergies, frequent colds or blocked noses. If one also uses a nasal spray but has been pointing the spray nozzle in a non-optimal direction, that may also increase the risk of sores and cuts.

At the ENT doctor's visit, we will do a simple flexible nose scope to exclude any other pathologies like deviated nose septum, sinusitis, unwanted growths, and identify actual sites of the ulcers and sores.

Nasal allergies make the delicate mucous membrane of the nose more friable, and sores and cuts more likely. Allergies may present as nose itching, sneezing, congestion of the nose, and some also have itchy eyes and ears.

A simple allergy test can identify the offending allergens (the leading cause in Singapore is house dust and book mites, mold and cockroach; but can be as diverse as tree, grass, cat and dog allergens). After taking steps to control these environmental measures, many of my patients have felt better.

Kind regards,

Dr Lynne Lim

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