Why do so many adults who have ADHD have problems having a successful studying/working life?

Doctor's Answer

ADD is one of the most common problems in adults. The main symptoms of ADD are a short attention span, distractibility, disorganisation, procrastination (tendency to put off doing tasks, especially tasks that require a lot of planning and focus), and poor internal supervision. It is often, but not always, associated with impulsive behaviour and hyperactivity or restlessness. Until recently, most people thought children outgrew this disorder during their teenage years. While it is true that the hyperactivity lessens over time, the other symptoms of impulsivity, distractibility and a short attention span remain into adulthood. Current research shows that 60 percent of ADHD children never fully outgrow this disorder.

Common symptoms of the adult form of ADD include poor organisation and planning, procrastination, trouble listening carefully to directions, and excessive traffic violations. Additionally, people with adult ADD are often late for appointments, frequently misplace things, may be quick to anger, and have poor follow-through. In my clinical practice, many cases with adult ADD also have problems with using alcohol and other substances.

Do seek treatment early as effective treatment for this condition is available. Common modalities that can be used include medications and cognitive behavioual therapy.

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