Why is there such a wide range of fees for dental implant surgery in Singapore?

Doctor's Answer

The price of dental implant is usually dependent on case complexity. These are some factors to determine how complex a case is:

1. Bone quality

For implants to be stable, the bone has to be good. Like a plant in soil, the soil has to firm. So if the bone is insufficient, sometimes bone particles are added (also known as bone graft) during the implant process. This increases the material costs significantly. Thus also increasing the overall price of the treatment for a single implant.

2. Number of dental implants needed

In the case where more implants are needed, or significant work needs to be done, sometimes dentists would give a discount to the cost of one component.

3. Which tooth is to be replaced by the dental Implant

Some dentists would have a different price for different teeth. For example to do a back tooth implant could be more straightforward than a front tooth implant due to the aesthetic demands and anatomical complications that can occur. Front tooth implants may also require more aesthetic implant crowns like all white ceramic crowns and abutments which can be more expensive.

At the end of the day, it all boils down to material cost based on case complexity and the needs that need to be met. Every patient is different, like a thumbprint! So implant quotations may be higher in your situation for example, because more work needs to be done. That is just a guess anyway.

All the best and I hope this further clarifies your doubts!

Dr Beth

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