How can I prevent scalp folliculitis and pimples on my scalp from recurring? (photo)

Doctor's Answer

Scalp folliculitis can be recurrent in some individuals and I often see this affecting men more than women.

Antibacterial shampoos like cetrimide shampoo can be helpful to reduce the risk of recurrence in mild cases. Topical antibiotics creams or lotions e.g. clindamycin lotion and topical steroid lotions may be helpful too.

Oral antibiotics like doxycycline and minocycline can be prescribed by your doctor to decrease the active inflammation and reduce the risk of recurrence. This usually needs to be taken for a few months.

Oral isotretinoin is also a good option in cases where the scalp folliculitis is persistent and recurrent.

You can see your doctor or dermatologist for a proper assessment and discussion of the treatment options.

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