How should I arrange the timing of my meals to best manage my diabetes?

Doctor's Answer

Photo of Dr Abel Soh
Dr Abel Soh


Diabetes mellitus is caused by insufficient insulin production from the pancreas. This results in high blood glucose levels before and especially after meals.

Individuals with diabetes need to modify their diet regimens so that together with increased physical activity and blood glucose-lowering medications their blood glucose levels can be better controlled.

Carbohydrates in the diet directly affect blood glucose levels when digested and absorbed. Foods with high carbohydrate content cause high blood glucose levels after being consumed. Glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates in a particular food increase blood glucose levels. People with diabetes need to reduce their intake of carbohydrates and try to eat foods with low GI.

Apart from reducing carbohydrate intake, those with diabetes should also spread their meals apart and take smaller meals, rather than skipping one or two meals and eating more at the other meal(s). This will help to reduce the post-meal spikes in blood glucose levels. It is recommended that individuals with diabetes still take 3 main meals a day - breakfast, lunch and dinner - and incorporate a small snack (for example, nuts) in between the main meals.

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