What happens if I do not like the results after composite bonding?

Doctor's Answer

If you do not like the results after composite bonding, the reason why you are dissatisfied should be identified before remedial action can be taken.

These are common reasons for patients not being happy with composite bonding:

1) Shade/colour issues: usually the reason is that the composite that has been used is too translucent which can make the veneer appear too dark.

Sometimes, a too light or too dark shade of composite may have been selected during placement. The final shade SHOULD NOT be assessed at the end of the placement appointment due to dehydration of the teeth that significantly alters the perception of shade. Your dentist may schedule a review appointment in about 1 week for final polishing and to perform any shade correction.

2) Shape/size issues: This can be worked out before the bonding actually goes on by doing a diagnostic waxup on models of your teeth and testing this out in your mouth beforehand. Minor shape refinement is usually done during the review appointment, if any, since most of the shape details should have already been nailed down.

3) Staining: this tends to happen over a longer period of time, especially if you regularly consume tea, coffee and red wine or if you smoke.

4) Chipping

Some of these issues can be easily corrected (minor shade correction, shape correction). Some issues may require the bonding be redone or redone in a different material, such as porcelain.

Other issues such as smile symmetry or repeated chipping of a particular spot may require additional procedures such as orthodontics (braces) or gum surgery.

If you want to have the bonding removed, it can be done but must be done very carefully and under magnification to prevent damage to your natural enamel surface.

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